– Highlights can now be displayed in movie live view. Users of the D4, D4S, and D5 can choose whether to match the display to the grid used by the camera. – Users can now customize and choose the color of the live view grid display. LiveView support empowers immediate adjustment of focus point and/or shutter release, and confirmation of the image on a PC screen. – The user can choose whether to enlarge the live view display when the window size surpasses the dimensions of the live view image obtained from the camera. Nikon Camera Control Pro 2.23.0 Product Key supports LiveView modes (Hand-held and Tripod) where the camera sensor is used to deliver a real-time preview through the objective lens. – The live view display can now be resized or viewed full screen (a keyboard shortcut is available for the full-screen display). The following are now available during live view:.Active D-Lighting and flicker reduction are now available with movies recorded using the D500.– Burst shooting can now be initiated with the Start and AF and Start buttons. – Users can choose the maximum ISO sensitivity for flash photography and edit IPTC information. Settings can be adjusted from the Flash button when a compatible flash is connected to the camera. – Unified flash control is now supported.

The following features are added for the D5 and D500:.Camera Control Pro 2 – Version 2.23.0 Change log